Thursday, 2 November 2023

On grey hairs and paperwork

Hi there!

It's me - the girl who's always wanted to revive this blog but ends up updating it after months at a time.

I'm not procrastinating. I'm living!

I'm writing this entry just before I sleep. I've set my alarm very early so I can do a bit of paperwork collation at breakfast tomorrow morning. Here's to hoping this extra bit of time will go a long way in getting my Friday at work a little less manic.

It has been such a crazy few weeks at work due to staff sickness. I feel we are really maxed out on our working capacity and I am just looking forward to the Christmas holidays now. Work is hard! Especially hard at the moment. But I've got to say I am thankful and happy and proud of our team that has achieved so much this year. CellProthera is finished, limbal stem cell products are flourishing... the highs are endless!

We also have had our lows. However I am grateful that we keep on moving forward despite these.

On a side note, I can see one or two grey hairs on the side of my head near my hairline. I know of a few grey hairs from years past that are scattered at the back part of my head. Seeing the ones near my face is a little bit nerve-wracking as it makes the whole ageing thing feel real. It IS real. And I am grateful yet slightly nervous about it.

Having grey hairs doesn't bother me too much. I don't think I'm going to have my hair dyed. The texture of my hair is rough in some areas so it's probably best to keep it untouched. I've started using hair masks as my regular hair conditioner and they work a treat! I really like the Garnier pots. I also enjoy using this heatless curler thing that I put on every night so I wake up with bouncy hair in the morning.

In a few weeks time, my husband and I will be on holiday in the Philippines! I am so excited to spend time with my in-laws. It's been a while since I came home. My number one priority will be to visit Lolo and Lola at the cemetery and also to pay my respects to my mother-in-law Mama Leah. I know she is watching over us always and is proud of how her son has is making the best of his life in the UK.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for everything. I love You and I praise You. Thank You for guiding me as I read through my Bible. Thank You for giving me resources at my fingertips so I can strengthen my faith and my understanding of it. Thank You, thank You.



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