Monday, 12 January 2015

Stupid and Contagious by Caprice Crane: Review

Stupid and Contagious by Caprice Crane is the first book I finished reading in 2015...

I downloaded this on my Kobo before the Christmas holidays. At the time I was in the mood to read something quirky and cute - I must have found this title while searching for Meg Cabot-like books. Yes, Meg Cabot books are my guilty pleasure!

I guess I fall in love with book characters easily. Like, waaaay easily. For every book I read there must be someone that takes my fancy instantly. So that's like a few hundred fictional crushes over my lifetime.

This is the story of Heaven and Brady, next-door-neighbours who annoy the daylights out of each other but end up being the most fitting couple there is. Brady is pretty awesome - he's my book crush, by the way! He has his own music label and as a 'hobby' he is also an inventor. He's got a good ear for music and is a generally nice guy. And I particularly like how he genuinely feels upset when Heaven is upset.

Heaven's expertise, on the other hand, lies in PR - although she's pretty good at being a bad waitress. She enjoys reading Brady's mail (mail that's addressed to Brady!) and being an overall annoyance (which she doesn't necessarily do on purpose).

The search for the Starbucks owner Mr Schultz is what brought them together. I love it! It's a modern adventure-slash-road trip. I think while I was reading up to the middle chapters of the book, I was feeling quite happy that I found the book - the 'It' book for me. It's funny and relatable and I appreciate how it's real and to the point. The last few pages up to the end were a bit of a downer, though. It was just a way too happy ending for my liking. But overall this book made me feel good and I had such a fun time devouring its pages! Totally recommend!


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